Why Do Chihuahuas Cry Tears-Top 10 Reasons

Owning a Chihuahua comes with its own set of unique challenges. You may have noticed that chihuahuas cry tears sometimes. Some dog owners think that their pet is sad or in pain, while dogs are emotional creatures. 

They feel happiness, sadness, and everything in between, just like we do. And sometimes, when they’re feeling particularly sad or upset, they’ll even cry tears.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons behind this behaviour and what you can do to help your furry friend feel better.

Reasons why Chihuahuas have watery eyes

Chihuahuas may cry tears due to a number of reasons, including but not limited to:

Puppy teething.

Just like babies, puppies experience pain and soreness as their teeth come in. This may cause them to cry tears as a way of soothing themselves.

Allergies or irritation.

Dogs can experience allergies or irritation in their eyes, just like people can. This can cause them to tear up and cry tears.

What causes allergies?

Dogs can vary, but common triggers include

  • grass
  • pollen
  • dust
  • mites
  • pet dander
  • cigarette smoke
  • certain foods.

How to tell if your Chihuahua has a seasonal allergy or a food allergy?

If your Chihuahua is tearing up and crying tears, it’s possible that he or she is experiencing a seasonal allergy or a food allergy.

Seasonal allergies can be caused by things like pollen, grass, dust, and mites.

Food allergies can be triggered by things like dairy products, soy products, wheat products, and certain meats.

If you think your Chihuahua may be experiencing an allergy, take him or her to the veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Your veterinarian can help you determine what is causing your dog’s allergies and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Infection or injury.

If a Chihuahua’s eyes are injured or infected, it may cry tears as a way of expressing its pain or discomfort.

Infection or inflammation.

Chihuahuas can also experience infection or inflammation in their eyes, which can cause them to cry tears.

Airborne irritants.

Dogs can also cry tears due to exposure to airborne irritants, such as cigarette smoke or chemical fumes.

Eyelash disorders

Dogs may also cry tears due to disorders of the eyelashes, such as entropion or distichiasis.

Small and shallow eye sockets.

Some Chihuahuas have small and shallow eye sockets, which can cause the tears to overflow and run down their face.


Why do Chihuahuas shed tears?

There can be several reasons why a Chihuahua cries tears. Some of the most common causes include sadness, pain, and stress.


Is it true that if my Chihuahua is crying tears, it’s in pain?

It’s difficult to say without examining your dog firsthand. However, if your Chihuahua is crying tears along with exhibiting other signs of pain, such as whimpering or whining, then it’s likely that it’s in some discomfort.


Is it possible for me to figure out whether my Chihuahua is stressed?

If your Chihuahua is crying tears and seems to be constantly agitated, it’s likely that it’s feeling stressed. Some common signs of stress in dogs include panting, pacing, and excessive licking.


What can I do to make my Chihuahua’s condition better?

There are many things you can do to help your Chihuahua feel better when it’s crying tears.

  • First, try to determine the cause of your dog’s tears and address that issue specifically.
  • Second, If your Chihuahua is stressed, provide it with a safe and calm environment where it can relax.
  • Finally, If your Chihuahua is in pain, seek veterinary assistance.


Owning a Chihuahua can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging at times. If your Chihuahua is crying tears, try to determine the cause and take steps to remedy the situation. With patience and understanding, you can help your furry friend feel better. Thanks for reading.



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