Can you use aquaphor on dogs

Can you use Aquaphor on dogs? This is a question that many dog owners have, and the answer is yes, Aquaphor can be used on dogs. However, it’s essential to use it correctly and ensure that you’re using the correct type of Aquaphor.

Dogs are prone to chapping and cracking paws, especially in the winter when they spend time outdoors or have issues with allergies. The best way to prevent this is to keep their feet dry and apply moisturizer often. 

Any product used for your puppy mustn’t contain petroleum jelly (Vaseline) as it can cause cancerous tumors.

So what should you do instead of Vaseline? Try using an ointment like Aquaphor, which will help heal dry skin, protect against moisture loss and make your pup’s paws look and feel better. Aquaphor is also safe for dogs to ingest in small amounts, so you can be worry-free if your furry friend likes to lick their paws.

Just make sure that the Aquaphor you’re using doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients like fragrance, lanolin, sulfates, or parabens. 

 In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to use Aquaphor on dogs, as well as what types of Aquaphor are best for them.

We’ll also cover some potential benefits and drawbacks of using this product on your pet. So if you’re curious about whether you can use Aquaphor on your pup, keep reading.

What is Aquaphor, and what are its main ingredients?

Aquaphor is a skincare product made up of key ingredients, including petrolatum, glycerin, and bisabolol. It is a water-in-oil emulsion that helps to protect and soothe the skin. It is safe for dogs to use.

How should you use Aquaphor on your dog?

When using Aquaphor on your dog, it’s essential to ensure that you’re using the correct type of Aquaphor.

There are three different types of Aquaphor – original, intensive healing, and overnight recovery. 

  • Original Aquaphor is best for general skincare.
  • Intensive healing Aquaphor is best for wounds and skin irritations.
  • Overnight recovery Aquaphor is best for severely dry skin.

To use Aquaphor on your dog, apply a thin layer to the affected area and gently massage it in. Repeat this process two or three times daily until the symptoms have improved.


How to use Aquaphor on dogs? 

If you’re wondering how to use Aquaphor on dogs, the process is straightforward. Just follow these steps:

  • Get a small amount of Aquaphor and rub it into your hands.
  • Gently apply the Aquaphor to your dog’s skin, making sure to avoid getting it in their eyes or mouth.
  • Repeat this process as needed, giving your dog a bit of Aquaphor every time you bathe them.
  • If your dog has any serious skin issues, please consult with your veterinarian before using Aquaphor.


What are the benefits of using Aquaphor on dogs?

There are many benefits of using Aquaphor on dogs. Some key benefits include:

  1. Aquaphor is an excellent moisturizer, and it can help keep your dog’s skin healthy and hydrated.
  2. It can help soothe and protect your dog’s skin from irritation and inflammation.
  3. Aquaphor can also help relieve dryness, itching, and other skin problems.


 Can Aquaphor cause any side effects in dogs? 


Just as with any other product, it’s essential to make sure that you’re using Aquaphor correctly on your dog and that you’re not exposing them to any potential side effects.

Some of the most common side effects of Aquaphor in dogs include skin irritation, redness, and itching. If your dog experiences any of these symptoms after using Aquaphor, discontinue use and contact your veterinarian.


 Are there any other alternatives to using Aquaphor on dogs 

There are a few other alternatives to using Aquaphor on dogs. One is using a moisturizing cream or lotion specifically designed for dogs.

These products typically contain aloe vera, vitamin E, and shea butter, which can help soothe and protect your dog’s skin.

Another option is to use petroleum jelly like Vaseline. Vaseline is a thicker product than Aquaphor and may be more effective in protecting your dog’s skin from the elements. However, it can be a little more challenging to apply.


 How to store Aquaphor to remain safe and effective for use on dogs?

When you’re not using Aquaphor on your dog, it’s essential to store it properly so that it remains safe and effective. Here are a few tips on how to store Aquaphor:

  • Keep Aquaphor in a cool, dry place. This will help keep it from spoiling.
  • Don’t expose Aquaphor to direct sunlight or heat, as this can cause it to spoil.
  • Don’t store Aquaphor near any strong smells, as this can also cause it to spoil.
  • Don’t store Aquaphor near any heat sources, as this can cause them to melt.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your Aquaphor remains safe and effective for use on dogs.



Aquaphor can be used on dogs. It’s significant to make sure that you’re using the correct type of Aquaphor and use it correctly, as it can benefit your dog. If you have any questions about whether Aquaphor is safe for your dog, consult with a veterinarian.


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