Why do dogs not eat when their owners are gone?

If a dog is nervous or scared, he may not want to eat. That is the typical reason dogs won’t eat when their owners are away. If you’re gone for an extended period, offer your pet sitter or boarding kennel some extra delectable food – perhaps canned food if he prefers dry foods. 

What Should I Do If My Dog Won’t Eat When Home Alone?

Most people would agree that one of the biggest perks of owning a dog is coming home to a wagging tail and warm body waiting to greet you. It’s no secret that dogs love their owners, but did you know that dogs also hate being alone?

In fact, according to a recent study, dogs can experience “separation anxiety” when their owner is away from home. So why do dogs not eat when their owners are gone? There are several reasons for this behavior.


Reason 1: Fear of Separation

Separation anxiety might be to blame if your dog won’t eat unless you’re there. When dogs are anxious, just like humans, some don’t want to eat. Some dogs, especially those with traumatic histories, may only feel safe enough to eat when a beloved person is present.

Dogs are sociable creatures, which may make them feel more at ease when others (particularly their owners) are present.

Consider your dog’s other behaviors when you’re not around to see if they have separation anxiety. Do they exhibit stress-related symptoms, such as chewing up household items, defecating or urinating indoors, or vocalizing loudly? If so, you could be dealing with separation anxiety.

While separation anxiety is one cause of a dog’s refusal to eat when you’re away, it isn’t the only one. It’s simply one alternative, so it’s a good idea to talk with your veterinarian.


Reason 2: Habit of Supervised Eating

Some pups learn how to eat when their owner is in the room. This learned behavior is frequently unintentional, not something the owner tries to teach them.

Most individuals don’t intend to teach their dog only to eat when they’re in the room, but it happens by chance that they’re standing next to him at mealtimes.

(Even though this may result in a few unpleasant circumstances down the road, you can’t disagree that it’s rather adorable.) A proud owner might commend a bewildered puppy


Reason 3: Territory-Related Tension

Some dogs enjoy being left alone. When they hear some strange sound, they may alarm-bark a few times, but then they’ll relax and eat something before going to sleep for the rest of the day.

On the other hand, some dogs are considerably more nervous and spend most of their time sounding the alarm for any little noise. Some of these dogs are unable to relax because they miss their owners.

It’s not because they long for a home that they aren’t at ease in a role protecting their territory.

When these dogs are left alone, they beco