Is Your Dog Happy When You Kiss Them?

Dogs are genuinely excellent companions. They’re always happy to see you, eager to please you, and love spending time with you. But is your dog happy when you kiss them? Some people might be hesitant to kiss their dog for fear of causing them discomfort. Rest assured that dogs enjoy kisses just as much as we do.

Research has shown that dogs even find human kisses comforting and reassuring. So go ahead and give your pup a big smooch – they’ll love you for it.

So, how can you tell when your dog has moved from being ignorant of what a kiss is to enjoy them? You keep an eye out for clues.

Signs that your dog enjoys being kissed

Tail Wag:

The tail is an excellent indicator of what dogs are thinking. When you start kissing your dog, the tail begins to wag, which indicates that they like your kisses.

Ask for more Love:

Even if you slow down, stop, and look at them in the eyes while resting on their back, they’ll lean into you. It is a beautiful indication that they understand this behavior is affectionate rather than aggressive.


No, they aren’t kissing you back if you’re lapping them. However, it does indicate that they enjoy your kisses. A dog that doesn’t like being kissed will try to get away rather than leaning in for a kiss.


When you’re done kissing your dog, if they paw on you, that means they like it. When my dog wants more smooches, she frequently puts her paw on my lap.


Every dog is unique, and its enthusiasm is expressed in diverse ways. Almost all dogs will wag their tails, but some will leap up, bark, and assume the “play” posture. You know your dog best. If they’re happy when you kiss them, it’s because they enjoy it.

Signs That Your Dog Does Not Like Being Kissed

Dogs may seem to enjoy getting kisses from their owners, but that doesn’t mean they always do. There are a few signs that your dog may not be too keen on all the smooching.

Turning Their Head:

If your dog starts turning their head away when you lean in for a kiss, it’s a pretty good sign that they’re not into it. Dogs will do this to avoid being kissed, just like humans do.

Licking Their Lips:

Another sign that your dog is uncomfortable with kisses is if they start licking their lips excessively. That is a doggy way of saying, “I’m not enjoying this; please stop.”

Ears Back:

If your dog’s ears are flat against its head when you go in for a kiss, it’s another sign that they’re not too thrilled about the situation. It is usually a sign of stress or anxiety.

Pawing at You:

If your dog starts pawing at you while trying to kiss them, it’s a clear sign that they want you to stop. They may do this to push you away or get your attention.

Tense Body:

If your dog’s body is tense and they’re not wagging their tail, it’s a sign they’re not enjoying the kisses. Dogs who are enjoying themselves will usually be relaxed and have a wagging tail.

Forceful Licking of Your Face:

Many people think it’s cute when their dog licks their face, but it’s a doggy way of telling you to stop. If your dog is forcefully licking your face, it’s a sign that your dog does not enjoy the kisses.

So if you notice any of these signs next time you go in for a doggy kiss, it’s probably best to back off and give your dog some space. They’ll still love you, even if they don’t want your kisses.

Is it possible to teach your dog to enjoy kisses?

Yes, it is possible to train your dog to enjoy kisses. All you need is a little patience and some positive reinforcement.

Start by having your dog sit or lay down in front of you. Then, slowly lean in and give them a gentle kiss on the mouth. If they seem hesitant, do not force them to do anything they do not want to do.

Once you have kissed your dog, immediately give them a treat. This will let them know that they are doing something good. Repeat this process a few times until your dog seems comfortable with it.

Kissing isn’t much different. All you have to do is teach your dog that kissing implies you’re pleased with them. Here are a few suggestions for training your dog to like kisses.

Speak With Excitement

A kiss may be viewed as a potential threat at first by your dog. To prevent this, talk to them enthusiastically when you kiss them. When kissing them, make sure to say things like “good boy/girl.” This will encourage your dog to link kissing with pleasure rather than fear.

Giving Treats

Treats appear to be the “jack of all trades” when it comes to training your furry friend. Give your dog a couple of kisses after this next time you see them. This will create an association in their head that “kiss equals treat.”

Don’t do anything after a punishment.

I understand how easy it is to kiss our dogs after we’ve disciplined them because we’re sorry and want them to know we still care. However, performing this will teach your dog that kissing equals punishment.

The dog’s brain will develop the association after a while, causing them to despise kisses since they believe the correction is just around the corner.

Don’t Force it

It can take a while for your dog to understand that when you kiss them, it is an act of affection. If you push kisses on your dog when they are trying to show that they don’t want it, then it will just take longer for them to understand what a kiss really means.

While you’re training your puppy, offer them plenty of enthusiasm and rewards. Dogs are intuitive and want to please us. They will eventually figure out that kisses are a good thing.

What Should I Do If My Dog Doesn’t Like Kisses?

Almost all dogs will eventually learn to like kisses, but how are you supposed to express your Love for your dog while they’re still learning? The good news is that dogs are very loving animals, so providing them with affection without kissing is not tricky.

Give them a compliment.

The more a dog believes you love them, the more devoted it will be to you. Dogs genuinely desire to please their owners. If you don’t reward them for something, they’ll believe they aren’t doing anything right and that you don’t like them.

Giving your simple dog signals of appreciation throughout the day will make him feel loved, and he’ll return it with Love and snuggles.

Travels and Discover New Places with your Dog

Dogs like to explore the globe, but they like it, even more when you share your own with them. They want to be a part of someone’s journey.

The most fantastic way to discover the world with your dog is to go for small excursions throughout the day. However, don’t stick to the same path every time. Experiment with new locations. It might not be entirely new to you, but taking your dog somewhere they’ve never before given them a whole new realm of adventure.

Snuggle Time with a Designated Purpose

There’s no need to worry about being too cold or too hot when you snuggle with your dog. Dogs are creatures of habit, and they have tremendous internal clocks. Have you ever noticed that dogs know precisely when it’s mealtime without knowing what time it is? That’s because their internal clock tells them that it’s mealtime.

Wire “snuggle time” into their internal clock is one of the most effective ways to express your love for your dog. They’ll look forward to it and eventually come to you for a snuggle session at that specific time if you have a set snuggle time every morning with them at the same exact moment.


Dogs are among the most devoted creatures on the planet. They will be unconditionally loving to you, regardless of what happens, but kissing them may become annoying for both of you. If you have a dog, be careful when kissing it. It might be annoying for you, and your dog may not enjoy it very much.


Do dogs enjoy being hugged?

Dogs enjoy being hugged and kissed. They love the attention and affection that we give them. Dogs are always happy to see us, and they love spending time with us but not 24/7.

What is it that makes dogs unhappy when you kiss them?

When you kiss someone, some dogs may become jealous. They don’t like to see the Love and care they once received from you go to someone else.

Is it acceptable to kiss your dog on the head?

Yes, it is OK to kiss your dog. When we speak about the mouth, in particular, kissing dogs on the head may be less dangerous than kissing them on the mouth.

Dogs have their own bacteria in their mouths, which can be harmful to humans. When you kiss your dog on the head, you are not coming into contact with this bacteria.

What do dog kisses mean?

Dogs often lick their owners as a sign of affection. When they lick our faces, they are constantly trying to show us that they love and care for us. Dogs also use licking as a way to communicate their needs. For example, they may lick their owners to show that they are hungry or thirsty.

Dogs’ kisses are a sign of affection. They are trying to show us that they care for us and want to make us happy. We should return the favor by giving them a big smooch back.

Do dogs lick their kisses?

Some dogs may see licking your face as being affectionate. Other dogs may just be cleaning their surroundings when they lick you. If you want to show your dog that you don’t appreciate them licking you, spray them with a water bottle.

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