Should I put my old dog through surgery? (Ultimate Guide)

It’s a difficult question: should I put my old dog through surgery? On the one hand, you may feel obligated to do whatever it takes to keep your furry friend around for as long as possible. But on the other hand, you may not be sure if surgery is the best option. When making your decision you must consider the following factors

The type of surgery:

Is it a major procedure? How invasive is it? knowledge of the risks and complications associated with it?

Your dog’s age and health:

Is your dog relatively healthy for their age? Are there other health issues that could complicate surgery?

Your finances:

Surgery can be expensive. Do you have enough financial resources to cover the costs?

Your emotional state:

Are you prepared to deal with the stress of having a sick or injured dog? Can you handle the possibility that your dog may not recover from surgery?

Your commitment:

Are you willing to commit to giving your dog the care and attention they will need during the recovery period?

You must also talk to your veterinarian about the surgery and get their opinion. They will be able to tell you more about the risks and chances of success.

Ultimately, the decision is up to you. Weigh the pros & cons and choose what you think is best for your dog.


What are the signs that my adult dog needs surgery?

If your dog is experiencing any of the following, it may need surgery:

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Frequent vomiting or diarrhea

  • Swelling in one or more limbs

  • Inability to move or inability to urinate or defecate

  • Persistent pain

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take your dog to the vet.


How will I know if surgery is the best option?

The only way to know if your dog needs surgery is to consult with a veterinarian. They have to assess your dog’s condition and recommend the best course of action.


Is there any alternative to surgery?

There are a few alternative treatments to surgery that should be considered before deciding. These include:


Many medications can help ease your dog’s pain and improve their quality of life.

Physical therapy:

Physical therapy can help improve your dog’s mobility and quality of life.

Diet and nutrition:

A healthy diet and proper nutrition can help improve your dog’s overall health.


Many supplements are available that can help improve your dog’s health.


Before deciding on surgery, be sure to consider all of the options and what is best for your dog.


What are the risks of surgery of my dog?

Like with any other medical procedure, there are risks associated with surgery. Some of the risks of surgery include:

Anaesthesia complications:

There is always a risk of complications when anaesthesia is used.


Surgery can increase the risk of infection.

Blood loss:

Surgery can cause bleeding, which can be dangerous for your dog.

Organ damage:

Surgery can sometimes damage organs, such as the liver or kidneys.

Make sure to talk to your veterinarian about all the risks involved in surgery before deciding.


What is the prognosis for my dog?

The prognosis for your dog after surgery will depend on the type of surgery being performed. 

Some surgeries have a very high success rate, while others may have a more guarded prognosis. Always talk to your veterinarian about the prognosis for your dog’s specific surgery before deciding.


Deciding to put your old dog through surgery can be difficult. Make sure to consider all the things involved before making a decision. Talk to your veterinarian about all the risks and benefits of surgery before making a final decision.


What is the risk if I don’t put my dog through surgery

If you don’t put your dog through surgery, he may continue to experience pain and discomfort. Without surgery, your dog’s health may decline over time, and he may eventually die.


How much does surgery cost for a dog?

The cost of surgery can vary depending on many factors, including the type of surgery and the veterinary clinic. 

However, on average, surgery for a dog costs around $1,000. If the health of your adult dog is poor or is very old, the surgery cost may be higher.


How can I prepare for surgery should I choose to go ahead with it

If you decide to put your old dog through surgery, you can do a few things to prepare for it. 

Make sure you have a very clear vision of what the surgery will entail and what risks are involved. 

It is good if you consult to your veterinarian about the post-operative care your dog will need. It may include special food,



These are few things you should consider when deciding to go for your old surgery. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine what’s best for you and your dog. 

Discuss with your veterinarian about all of your options and make the best decision for both of you.

If you make your mind to go ahead with surgery, there are some things you can do to prepare. First, make sure you have a clean, comfortable space for your dog to recover. 

Get all the supplies you’ll need, such as food, water, and any medication your dog will require. Finally, make sure you have someone to help you care for your dog during their recovery period.


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