Have you ever seen a mini hippo dog? They are one of the cutest dog breeds out there, and their owners love them for their playful personality and adorable looks.

If you’re thinking about getting a mini hippo dog for yourself, here is some information about these little creatures that will help you make your decision.

Mini hippo dogs are bred from Yorkshire terriers and Shih Tzus, so they have the best qualities of both breeds.

They are small enough to be comfortable in an apartment, have lots of energy, and love to play. At times, they can be stubborn, but they are also lovely and loyal companions.

So if you’re looking for a fun-loving pup that will always make you smile, a mini hippo dog is the right breed for you.

What is a mini hippo dog breed?

A mini hippo dog is a mixed breed dog, typically a cross between a Yorkie and a Shih Tzu.

They are also known as Cocker Peis. Mini hippo dogs are bred for their adorable looks and playful personality. Yorkies are bred for their small size and high energy, while Shih Tzus are bred for their sweet temperament and loyalty.

Therefore, mini hippo dogs make excellent pets for people who live in apartments and want a dog that is always up for playing.

On the other hand, Mini hippos may be obstinate from time to time and require a great deal of patience from their owners.

What Is the Average Size of a Mini Hippo Dog?

Generally, mini hippo dogs will reach a maximum height of about 8-10 inches and weigh around 10-15 pounds.

What Are Their Most Basic Characteristics?

Mini hippo dogs have many of the best qualities of Yorkshire terriers and Shih Tzus. They are small enough to be comfortable in an apartment, but they also have a lot of energy and love to play.

At times, they can be stubborn, but they are also charming and loyal companions.

What Kind of Training Do Mini Hippos Need?

This mixed breed is considered intelligent, alert, and easy to train. They do well in urban and rural environments and are good with children.

Socialization is essential, as with all dogs. They should be exposed to different sights, sounds, and smells early on to help them develop into well-adjusted adults.

Basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, and down are usually accessible for Cocker Peis to learn. Housetraining may also be relatively easy, as these dogs are not known to be exceptionally resourceful.

How many exercises Do Mini Hippos Dogs Need?

Mini hippo dogs only need about 30 minutes of exercise a day. An excellent way to give them their exercise is by playing fetch or taking them on walks.

What Kind of Diet Do Mini Hippo Require?

Like all dogs, mini hippo dogs require a well-rounded diet, including protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Are They Good With Children?

Mini hippo dogs are typically good with children, but it is always important to supervise any interactions between kids and pets to ensure everyone’s safety.

Do Mini Hippo Dogs Shed?

Mini hippo dogs will shed a moderate amount of fur, so be prepared to vacuum often if you decide to adopt one.

Are They Good With Other Pets?

Generally, mini hippo dogs are good with other pets. However, it is always important to introduce them slowly and cautiously to ensure no problems.

What Is Their Temperament & Behavior of mini hippo dog?

The temperament and behavior of mini hippo dogs can vary depending on their breeding.

Yorkies are bred for their high energy and playful personality, while Shih Tzus are bred for their sweet temperament and loyalty.

Therefore, mini hippo dogs can be very energetic and playful, but they can also be charming and loyal.

It is essential to be patient with them when they are being obstinate and always provide positive reinforcement.

How Much Do They Cost?

Mini hippo dogs typically cost between $200 and $600.

Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Owning One?

Mostly, there are no health risks associated with owning a mini hippo dog. However, like all dogs, they should see a veterinarian for regular check-ups.

What Are Some Other Names for mini hippo Dog?

  • Cocker Pei
  • Yorkie Shih Tzu
  • Shih Tzu Yorkie
  • Yorkshire Terrier Shih Tzu
  • Yorkie Tzu
  • Yorkie Shihtzupoo
  • Tzu Yorkie
  • Shihtzu Yorkie
  • Yorkie pei
  • shihtzupoo
  • yorkie shih tzu mix
  • yorkie shih tzu cross

What Health Issues Do They Usually Experience?

Mainly, mini hippo dogs do not experience any health issues. However, like all dogs, they should see a veterinarian for regular check-ups.

Do They Require a Lot of Grooming?

Mini hippo dogs will require moderate grooming. It includes brushing their fur at least once a week and trimming their nails regularly.

How Long Do Mini Hippo Dogs Live?

On average, mini hippo dogs will live between 10 and 13 years.

Is it true that Mini Hippo Dogs are hypoallergenic?

Mini hippo dogs are considered hypoallergenic because they do not shed very much and are less likely to cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to dog hair.


Mini hippo dogs make excellent pets for people who want a dog that is always up for playing. They are bred for their adorable looks and playful personality. Yorkies are bred for their small size and high energy, while Shih Tzus are bred for their sweet temperament and loyalty.

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