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Why My Dog Lay His Head On Me (Ultimate Guide)

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After a fantastic day at the dog park, you and your lovely companion retire home to enjoy some well-deserved rest. When You sit on the sofa with your furry pal resting next to you. It’s impossible to ignore Charlie head laying on you. What is the reason for this? Why does my dog lay his head on me?

Do you ever wonder why your dog loves to rest his head on you? It might seem like a trivial thing, but there’s a lot of meaning behind it.

Dogs often rest their heads on their humans as a gesture of love and trust. By placing his head on you, your dog essentially says, “I trust you, and I love you.”

So next time your pup rests his noggin on your lap, pat him and know that he’s telling you how much he cares.

To expand on the question further, we compiled a list of possible reasons why your dog lay his head on you.

What the reason that My Dog Lay His Head On Me?

Trust and Love

The most probable cause is that they trust and love you.  Your fur companion values the shelter, food, and any other necessities of life you give him.

Why My Dog Lay His H read On Me 1

Your Fury Friend being loyal to you because he sees you as the alpha. When your Dog is near you, he absorbs your unique scent, making him pleased and enhancing the production of love hormones.

Security and comfortable

Laying near to you makes your dog feel more at ease and secure. The second aspect of pack mentality demonstrated by dogs is this type of loyalty.

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Many Dogs sleep and snuggle together in the wild, not just for warmth but also to feel safer and more attentive to one another if something goes wrong.

He may be doing it out of love for you, but he’s also doing it to protect you from physical and emotional damage. You’ve acquired a furry security guard on duty to safeguard his essential humanity.

You Are Required For Something

A Dog Lays his head on you may indicate that your furball needs something from you. He may be beckoning you home for supper, seeking a nice massage, or needing to pee.

Perhaps it’s something delectable that you’re eating, and he wants to try it because of his adorable and sensitive snout. Regardless of the reason, it’s difficult to resist when he uses those puppy eyes.

For Warmth

Your dog may rest his head on you for warmth if he feels cold. Doing so will help regulate his body temperature.

As part of their pack mentality, puppies and dogs will snuggle up for warmth. It makes perfect sense to lay his head on you since you are his unique human and pack leader.

Should You Allow This Behavior?

Now you have enough knowledge why your dog might be resting his head on you, you may be wondering if you should allow him to do it.

The answer is that it depends on your situation. If you’re comfortable with your dog laying his head on you, there’s no harm in letting him do so. However, if you’re not satisfied with it or disrupting your daily life, you may need to train your dog not to do it.

Some people worry that their dogs are too needy when they rest their heads on them. However, this is usually not the case.

Dog sleeps their heads on their humans are typically very well-adjusted and have a strong bond with their owners.

Suppose your dog is genuinely being too needy. In that case, there are other signs, such as excessive barking or whining, following you around the house constantly, or jumping on you when you come home, also their body language.

So, if your dog love to rest his head on you, and you’re okay with it, go ahead and let him. It’s a sign of love and trust, and it’s perfectly normal dog behaviors for many domestic dogs.

How To Change The Dog Behavior to good behavior?

Dog Behavior 1

Never become physical or shout at your dog when attempting to modify behavior; it isn’t practical and will harm the connection between you.

It takes time and tolerance to change a behavior. Here are few strategies you can use to change a pattern:


  1. Ignore him when lay head on you.
  2. Don’t react or look at him when he begins to exhibit the behavior.
  3. Stand up if necessary, or leave that place.

He should eventually figure out that he will not be praised or rewarded for doing so.

Be Firm: When your dog is misbehaving, use a firm tone to tell him that what he’s doing isn’t appreciated. He would give up laying his head on you out of respect for you. 

Redirect: When your dog is lying his head to you, divert his attention to the location you prefer him to lay. To attract his attention, call his name in a pleasant voice.

Then command him to lay down on his bed or next to you with words such as “bed” or “down.” Give him treats or praises when he follows through.


Your dog may be using you as a source of comfort and security. Dogs often seek physical contact with their owners when they’re feeling scared or anxious, so your dog likely rests his head on you to feel better.

You can discourage your dog behaviors by ignoring him when he does it and being firm with your commands. You can also try redirecting his attention to another location. With time and patience, you can be to change your dog’s habits.

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